Presentations Conference 5: Environment, Health and Safety - Alternative testing
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N/A: Some presentations are not available, these are marked with "N/A".
- Adriaens E. Ghent University (BE)Different applications of the Slug Mucosal Irritation test in pharmaceutical preclinical drug development
- Anklam E. JRC (I)Action plan of the EC's Joint Research Centre to support validation of alternative test methodsN/A
- Annys E. CEFIC (BE)REACH, more sustainable chemistry with more sustainable testing?N/A
- Blaauboer B. J. IRAS - University of Utrecht (NL)Risk assessment: does it need redefinition?
- Blaauboer B.J. IRAS - University of Utrecht (NL)INVITROM - The Dutch-Belgian Society for In vitro methods
- Bressler J. Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore (USA)Achieving The Goals of Toxicity Testing in the 21st Century: the TestSmart Developmental Neurotoxicology Testing Program
- Constant S. Epithelix Sàrl (CH)MucilAir: a Novel Human 3D Airway Epithelium Model for Long Term Toxicity Testing
- Cortvrindt R. Eggcentris (BE)EggCentris, Centre of excellence for reproductive function testing, focuses on innovative in vitro bioassays
- Curren R. Institute for in vitro Science, Gaithersburg (USA)Current Status Of A Novel Genotoxicity Assay Using A Three-Dimensional Human Skin Model, EpiDermTM
- Curren R. Institute for in vitro Science, Gaithersburg (USA)How a Non-profit Institute successfully combines in vitro testing services with an education program
- de Wever B.CARDAM (BE)The Centre for Advanced Research and Development of Alternative Methods (CARDAM): a new platform on alternative toxicology testing to meet the needs of industry and legislation
- Guest R. Saphefarm (UK)In Vitro Testing in Contract Research: A Valid Alternative ?
- Hall B. L'OREAL (FR)Safety evaluation of cosmetic products in the 21st centuryN/A
- Hooyberghs J. CARDAM - VITO (BE)A cell-based in vitro alternative to identify skin sensitizers by gene expression
- Jaworska J. Procter &Gamble, Brussels (BE)Overview of integrated test strategies methods in application to in vitro data-industry experience
- Krewski D. University of Ottawa (CA)Toxicity Testing in the Twenty-First Century: A Vision and a StrategyN/A
- Krull C. IVTIP (NL)The applicability of in vitro projects for product safety assessment: experiences of the in vitro industrial platform IVTIP
- Liebsch vFederal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), ZEBET, Berlin (DE)Scientifically validated for a specific purpose” should be the end - not the beginning - of the road to regulatory acceptanceN/A
- McNamee P. Procter&Gamble, Surrey (UK)Recent Developments in the Colipa PT-SCAAT Eye Programme for the Development of In Vitro Alternatives
- Nobels I. University of Antwerp (BE)In vitro mechanistic toxicology: what can it offer to ecotoxicology?
- Roggen E. L.
Novozymes (DK)Progress towards novel testing strategies for in vitro assessment of allergens
- Rogiers V. VUB, Brussels (BE)How good are validated methods to predict toxicity of different substances and products?
- Roguet R. L'OREAL (FR)The use of the reconstructed human EPISKIN™ for the in vitro assessment of tolererance of chemicalsN/A
- Scheel J. Human Safety Assessment - HENKEL (DE)Regulatory acceptance and implementation of 3R approaches. Activities of the European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing (EPAA)
- Schroeder K. Phenion GmbH & Co. KG (DE)The application of epithelial models in toxicology to predict of toxic effectsN/A
- Selderslaghs I. CARDAM - VITO (BE)The Zebrafish embryo: an alternative model to screen for neurodevelopmental toxicity and teratogenicity of chemicalsN/A
- Van Hummelen P. VIB - Catholic University of Leuven (BE)Current state-of-the-art of genomics in toxicology
- Vanhaecke T. VUB, Brussels (BE)Histone deacetylase inhibitors as new tools to generate metabolic competent long-term cultures of primary hepatocytes
- Vanparys Ph.
CARDAM (BE)Alternatives for predictive toxicology in drug development: nice to have or added value?
- Verstraelen S. CARDAM - VITO (BE)A network-based gene profile analysis of respiratory sensitizing and non-sensitizing chemicals in a human macrophage modelN/A
- Willuhn M. LRI - CEFIC Brussels (BE)Alternative Methods for Safety Testing of Chemicals - Activities of Industry
- Witters H. CARDAM -VITO (BE)In vitro assays for endocrine disruptors: test performance and steps to validation