Presentations conference 3: Smart and Sustainable electric Systems
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N/A: Some presentations are not available, these are marked with "N/A".
- Alvarez M.C. IDEA (FR)Distribution Network Long-TermPlanning Methods Comparison With Respect to DG Penetration
- Belmans R. Catholic University of Leuven (BE)The Road towards More Renewable Integration and Demand Side Integration
- Brincourt T. EDF (FR)Overview of energy storage from electric vehicle to renewable energyN/A
- Cohen D. Kamphuis R. Infotililty (USA) ECN (NL)Trans-Atlantic Perspectives on Management of Renewables and DER on the Electricity GridN/A
- De Boer P.KEMA (NL)GROWDERS, Grid Reliability and Operability with Distributed generation using transportable storage
- De Decker J. 3E (BE)Generation of Synthetic Time Series of Wind Power and Prediction Error for Economic Calculations
- Driesen J. Catholic University of Leuven (BE)Virtual Synchronous Generators
- Frias P. University Comillas, Madrid (ES)Regulatory Changes Needed for Optimal Integration of DER and RES
- Hadjsaid N. IDEA GIE (FR)The Electricity and Communication Network: Combining two Critical Infrastructures
- Heskes P. Technical University of Eindhoven (NL)A Complex Harmonic Impedance Measurement System for Reduction of Harmonics in the Electricity Grid
- Jacobsen H. RisoeMeasures to Reduce the Impact Costs of an Increasing Share of Intermittent RES-E in the Electricity Generation
- Kling W. Technical University of Delft (NL)The Need for Large-Scale Energy Storage in the Dutch Electricity SystemN/A
- Kok K. Free University of Amsterdam (NL)Business Models for Optimal Integration of Distributed and Renewable Generation
- Mercurio A. Sapienza University of Rome (IT)Open Source Implementation of Monitoring and Controlling Services for EMS/SCADA Systems by Means of Web Services
- Mulder G. VITO (BE)System Integration of a Fuel-Cell Based CHP System
- Nabuurs P.
CEO KEMA + Chairman Committee of the EU Technology Platform Smart Grids (NL)The Importance of Markets for the Emergence of Smart Grids
- Peças Lopes J. INESC Porto (PT)Multi-level Management of Electricity Storage
- Peeters E. VITO (BE)Micro-CHP, Overview of Technologies and Markets
- Renders B. Ghent University (BE)Voltage Dips and Converter-Connected Distributed Generation Units
- Roossien B. ECN (NL)Congestion Management by a Virtual Power Plant of 10 Micro-CHP Units at Consumer Premises
- Schaeffer G.J.VITO (BE)Drivers for and Dynamics of the Growth of Renewable and Distributed Energy Technologies in the Electricity Markets
- Stijns P. Honeywell (BE)Energy Management of a Hospital with Tri-Generation
- ten Donkelaar M. Enviros (CZ)The Influence of Promotion Policies for Renewables and Distributed Generation on their Integration in the Electricity SystemN/A
- Tran Qouc T. Institut de L'Electricity de l'Avenir IDEA (FR)Load Management by Optimising Operations of Radiators
- Van den Keybus J. Triphase (BE)Integrated Grid-Coupled Power Electronic Energy Converter System Using a PC-based Controllor
- Van Tichelen P. VITO (BE)Power Line Modem Communication as a Backbone for Smart Grids
- Van Voorden A. Eneco Netbeheer (NL)Solving Network Constraints with DG and FACTS Devices: a Case Study
- Vanden Bossche A. Ghent University (BE)Top of Sine Injection into the Grid
- Woyte A. 3E (BE)Trans-European Trade of Winnd Power in the Internal Electricity Market